• 杉金光閃閃電30余名員工辭職參于愛心慈善捐獻骨髓活動組織 3月8日,杉霞光電蘇州鑄造廠創辦慈善運動捐血運動,30余名杉霞光電公司員工積極主動組織了每次捐血運動,總捐血量近萬毫升。 READ MORE>>
  • 杉金光閃閃電被評為“SGS綠色環保標準”v認證! 近些年,杉霞光電杭州廠里評選為了更具全球最大后果力的“SGS草黃健康標準”-ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIMS CERTIFICATE資質證書資質證書。這一方便標準著杉霞光電在草黃健康制造技術和節能方便的有遠見奮斗得到了了國際英文生活的常見信賴,更展示出了工司堅持草黃健康綠色環保高的質量量進步進步、著力推進于可繼續進步進步的堅韌不拔堅定信心。 READ MORE>>
  • 恭喜!杉杉股分、杉杉鋰電躋身胡潤兩個總榜 七月份26日,胡潤分析院推送《2024胡潤國家新材質公司公司前五強榜》及《2024胡潤國家新生物質能實力公司公司前五強榜》。杉杉股票價格以第28位榮登《2024胡潤國家新材質公司公司前五強榜》,杉杉鋰電以第9位榮登《2024胡潤國家新生物質能實力公司公司前五強榜》。 READ MORE>>
  • 杉金光閃閃電30余名在職員工參加公益事業捐血活動組織 10月8日,杉光茫電蘇州廠家承辦公益事業捐血者運動,30余名杉光茫電業務人員積極性參與的了每一次捐血者運動,總捐血者量近萬毫升。 READ MORE>>
  • 杉光茫電突出貢獻獎“SGS草綠色圓形標志”實名認證! 前不久,杉金光閃閃閃閃電合肥鑄造廠突出貢獻獎了更具高度影晌力的“SGS深綠標制”-ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIMS CERTIFICATE申請認證英語證書。這不單單標制著杉金光閃閃閃閃電在深綠研制和藍色環保地方的有遠見拼搏贏得了國際英文世界 的廣泛的大力支持,更凸顯了我司踐行三嚴三實深綠低碳生活優產品品質不斷不斷發展、秉承于可維持不斷不斷發展的立場堅定想法。 READ MORE>>
  • 祝福!杉杉股東、杉杉鋰電入榜胡潤2大排行 5月26日,胡潤探索院披露《2024胡潤我們新材質品牌前500強榜》及《2024胡潤我們能源系統開發提升空間品牌前500強榜》。杉杉資產以第28位登入到《2024胡潤我們新材質品牌前500強榜》,杉杉鋰電以第9位登入到《2024胡潤我們能源系統開發提升空間品牌前500強榜》。 READ MORE>>
Case sharing Shanshan new energy related products have been widely used in mobile phones, laptops, digital cameras and other portable information equipment, electric new energy vehicles and other transportation vehicles, as well as other large-scale power supply, secondary charging, energy storage fields. READ MORE
  • From the perspective of the development of global new energy vehicles, their power sources mainly include lithium-ion batteries, nickel metal hydride batteries, fuel cells, lead-acid batteries, supercapacitors, etc. Compared with other new energy sources, lithium-ion batteries have relatively high working voltage and large specific energy.
  • At present, Shanshan new energy's high-voltage and high-capacity lithium cobaltate manufacturing technology, cathode material manufacturing technology for energy type power batteries and many other technologies are at the international leading level. Shanshan lithium ion battery has been applied to many civil fields, such as mobile phones, notebook computers, video cameras, digital cameras and so on.
  • In 2017, Shanshan developed a new product, 4.4V high rate lithium cobalt, which is mainly used in UAVs and aircraft models. Shanshan lithium battery has high output power to meet high-speed flight and climb; It also has the characteristics of high energy density and longer endurance time.
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